Myofascial stretching is different from conventional stretching. It is not only effective to stretch the muscle fibers, but also the muscle fiber envelope, allowing the muscle to relax even more and increase his fiber quality (endurance, postural, stenght, etc…). The LOADS (longitudinal osteo articular decoaptation stretching) are specific stretching exercises of the spine that decompresses […]
Is Axellite for you ?
[space height=”50″] The Completely You program at Axellite is first of its kind in Canada. It is designed for anyone with a deep desire to change their lifestyle, acknowledge their overall health and have an open-minded approach to their personal development. When they first seek out our expertise, our clients’ initial fitness levels range […]
5 tips to improve your posture and get rid of your pain!
1- Perform myofascial stretching of your internal rotator of the shoulder The muscle tensions in your internal rotators such as the pectoralis major, minor, the latissimus dorsi, front delt and more negatively affects your posture. By doing myofascial stretching, you will release the muscle tensions that pulls you forward. The myofascial stretching compared to the […]